Shannen Doherty ja Deborah Waknin-HarwinFoto: @theshando/Instagram
24. märts 2020, 16:47

JÄRJEKORDNE HOOP: vähihaige Shannen Doherty leinab südamesõbrannat

Neljanda staadiumi vähiga võitlev Shannen Doherty mälestab sotsiaalmeedias oma lähedasimat sõbrannat ja stilisti Deborah Waknin-Harwinit, kellega ta oli jaganud oma rõõme ja muresid ligi kolmkümmend aastat. Ka Deborah'l oli diagnoositud vähk. 

Omaaegse noortesarja "Beverly Hills, 90210" täht Doherty (48) kirjutab, et tutvus Deborah'ga umbes 28 aastat tagasi. "Ta sundis mind jalga tõmbama hästi liibuvad punased lakknahast püksid. Saime hetkega sõpradeks." Shanneni sõnul õpetas sõbranna teda triktrakki mängima ning tutvustas St Barthi saare võlusid. "Sellest said alguse meie sealsed tüdrukutereisid. Õppisin tema käest sedagi, et näen parem välja, kui tema mind riietab.#

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Around 28 years ago when I met Deborah, she made me squeeze into very tight red patent pants. It was an instant friendship. A friendship that in 28 years has endured, grown and been cherished by us both. She taught me to play backgammon. She introduced me to the island of ST. Barth which started our girl trips there. She taught me that when she dressed me, I looked better lol. We were together thru boyfriends and husbands. Divorces, tears and laughter. We danced on tables (and fell off them- inside joke) all around the world together. I was her maid of honor at her wedding to the love of her life Craig. We cried when she called to tell me she was pregnant with her extraordinary daughter Olivia. She spoke 5 plus languages fluently. We went to the same high school we discovered. We worked on shows together. We grew up.... together. She was a constant. Thru my cancer and I for her when she got diagnosed 4 years ago. She smiled, a lot. She radiated beauty, intelligence and goodness. She was and is wedged into my heart so deeply. We were more than best friends. We were sisters. Tied to each other by the universe, by our very essences that recognized each other instantly. Deb I hope you are dancing on tables again, having a tequila and shooting the shit with God. I will miss you forever, your advice, your laughter, your frankness. I will so miss you. I already do. I already feel it, this part of my heart missing. Deborah Waknin Harwin I love you.

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Peigmehed ja abikaasad võisid tulla ja minna, kuid Shannen ja Deborah jäid vankumatuteks sõbrannadeks. "Olin tema peapruutneitsi, kui ta oma elu armastuse Craigiga abiellus. Nutsime, kui ta mulle helistas, et ootab oma erakordset tütart Oliviat."

Sõbrannasid ühendas ka vähivõitlus. Shannenil diagnoositi vähk 2015. aastal, Deborah'l vaid aastake hiljem. "Olime enamat kui parimad sõbrannad. Olime õed," nendib Doherty. "Deb, ma loodan, et sa tantsid jälle laual, jood tekiilat ja lõhverdad Jumalaga. Jään sinust ja su nõuannetest, naerust, siirusest alatiseks puudust tundma." Näitlejanna ütleb, et osa tema südamest on koos Deborah'ga läinud. "Deborah Waknin Harwin, ma armastan sind."

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I’m at a loss for words. @theshando there are so many things about Deborah Waknin that I love. She taught me so much about style and fashion, but more than that she taught me about true friendship when I was very young in hollywood. I didn’t have a lot of friends when I moved here, and was experiencing so much at such a young and vulnerable age, but you two were always there to guide me, keep me company, be a shoulder to lean on and teach me how to make the perfect margarita. I only hope you both know how eternally grateful I am. Deb has now left us, but I know that she is still here in our hearts. I’m not sure why this lesson right now when there is already so much pain and we are already so scared, but I will try to find it. Everyone pls let your loved ones know how much you love them today (even if it’s virtual) Craig and Liv- you are in my thoughts and my prayers.

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Deborah't mälestab ka mõlema ühine sõbranna Sarah Michelle Gellar. "Kui olin Hollywoodis noor ja algaja, õpetas Deborah mulle väga palju stiilist ja moest, aga ennekõike tõelisest sõprusest."