Foto: @brittanylynnlutz/Instagram
7. veebruar 2020, 10:45

„Videviku“ tähe abikaasa jäi kuuendal raseduskuul lapsest ilma

Hollywoodi näitleja Kellan Lutz ja tema abikaasa Brittany Gonzales teatavad neid tabanud tragöödiast - nad jäid kuuendal raseduskuul oma esiklapsest ilma.

34aastane Kellan avaldas Instagramis mustvalge foto oma kõhtu embavast abikaasast.

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♥️My Wonder Woman 🙏 It’s been a crazy rollercoaster of a week with a lot of emotions. Taking heartbrokenness to a whole new level but Grateful for these past 6 months and the journey itself. In life we might not get the answers to all of our questions but we will always remain fairthful! God will restore. I love you @brittanylynnlutz Thank you all for all your love, respect in this private time, understanding of this situation, and utmost support! Just know we love you all and appreciate you all and we process all differently. Can’t wait to see our baby girl in Heaven when God calls us home🙏 #Repost @brittanylynnlutz ・・・ Baby girl,⁣ It was my absolute honor and pleasure to be your mom these last 6 months. I did my best and it was an absolute joy seeing your little face all those times on that screen and feeling your tiny kicks. I don’t know why it happened the way it did, but part of me finds so much peace knowing you never experienced pain or heartache and never will. You’re in the arms of Jesus now and one day we will get to meet you for real. Until I see you in heaven... your mommy loves you so much. 💔⁣ ⁣ I’m not ready to talk about what happened, and I’m not sure I ever will. But I can say I am SO grateful for the most amazing husband who’s been by my side the entire time. I have the best most supportive family. The prayers from friends have meant everything. My incredible doctor and the amazing team at UCLA Medical Center who kept me alive are the real MVPs. And to all of you who donate blood- I have never been more grateful for you. Without you people like me wouldn’t be here. ⁣ ⁣ Thank you for respecting all of our privacy right now. Gonna take some time away to process and heal.

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"Mu imenaine," kirjutab näitleja. "See on olnud hullumeelne ja väga emotsionaalne nädal." "Videviku" täht on enda sõnul südame murdumist nüüd täiesti uuel tasemel kogeda saanud. "Kuid olen tänulik nende kuue kuu ja kogu selle teekonna enese eest. Me ei pruugi elus kõigile küsimustele vastust saada, kuid meie usk ei kao!"

Lutz avaldas veendumust, et Jumal aitab neil raskest ajast üle saada. "Me ei jõua ära oodata, mil näeme oma pisitüdrukut taevas, kui Jumal meid koju kutsub."

Brittany kirjutab end ammutavat veidi hingerahu faktist, et nende laps ei pea eales valu ega hingepiinu kannatama. "Oled nüüd Jeesuse käte vahel ning kord kohtume sinuga päriselt." Ta avaldab tänu Kellanile, sõpradele ja meedikutele UCLA meditsiinikeskuses, "kes mind elus hoidsid". Brittany tänab ka veredoonoreid: "Ilma teinesuguste inimesteta poleks mind enam elavate kirjas."