Nadya Suleman Foto: AP/Scanpix
29. jaanuar 2020, 11:20

Mäletad kõmulist Octomomi? Tema kaheksikud said juba 11aastaseks! (2)

Kuue lapse ema Nadya Suleman tekitas aastaid tagasi kõmu, tuues kunstviljastuse abil ilmale kaheksikud. Nüüd avaldab Octomomina tuntud naine foto lapsukeste 11. sünnipäevast.

"Palju õnne sünnipäevaks, mu imekaunid inglid," alustab Octomom pikka pühendust foto juures, millel Noah, Maliyah, Nariyah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jonah, Josiah ja Makai poseerivad peolauas. "Olete ühed heasüdamlikumad, kaastundlikumad, hoolivamad inimesed, keda ma tean. Sõnad ei suuda väljendada mu tänutunnet, et olen teie ema."

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Happy birthday to my beautiful angels. You are some of the kindest, most compassionate, caring human beings I’ve ever known. Words cannot express how grateful I am to be your mother. You all have blessed my life immensely and I thank God daily for trusting me to care for, shape the lives of, and influence all of you. Recent tragic events of loved ones lost are a powerful reminder of how fragile, precarious, yet precious life is, as tomorrow is never promised. We need to hug our loved ones a little longer and a little harder while they are here. You are my miracles, my angels, and I will love you with all my heart, forever. Happy 11th birthday Noah, Maliyah, Nariyah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jonah, Josiah, and Makai. #HappyBirthday #Angels #Blessed 🙏🏽

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Kui Nadya 2009. aasta jaanuaris kaheksikud ilmale tõi, olid beebid nii alakaalulised, et viimased pääsesid haiglast koju alles aprillis. Sulemani ja tema viljakusarsti on laialdaselt kritiseeritud. Dr. Michael Kamrava palus küll California osariigi meditsiinijärelvalveametilt vabandust, et ta oli töötule kuue lapse emale 12 embrüot siiranud, selle asemel et teda vaimse tervise kontrolli saata. Ent meditsiinijärelvalveamet leidis, et Kamrava ei ilmutanud Sulemani ravimisel kainet mõistust, ning võttis temalt tegutsemisloa. 

Rahahädas üksikemal  on seljataga pornotähe- ja stripparikarjäär, meenutab New York Post. Viimaks tekkis 14 lapse emal sõltuvus ärevusvastasest ravimist Xanax. Nüüdseks on ta sellest õnneks jagu saanud ning püüab karjääri teha fitness-inspireerijana.  

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By sharing some of my fitness history I hope to inspire supporters, who may be struggling with their own fitness journey. Since discovering the gym, in 1991, I have learned the value of constructively channeling stress, anger, emotional pain etc. into working out. The stairmaster has been my go to for stress relief, pressing on 99 min (highest it goes), no trainer, just my mind on “go.” If I do not achieve 10 miles (at least 500 floors), I continue past 99 minutes. I’ve been climbing approximately 45-50 miles per week, incorporating lifting light weights, for the last 29 years. Working out consistently has been a priority for decades, as this provides me the mental and physical strength, stamina, and endurance to be the best I can be, particularly as a mom. Ever since the octuplet pregnancy broke both my back and ribs, if I did not workout I would be wheelchair bound and unable to care for my family. If their is a healthy habit you engage in, that enhances your productivity, protect it; FIGHT for it; NEVER GIVE IT UP! Unfortunately, media surreptitiously concealed this truth about the real me, as it contradicted their preconceived octo-caricature creation. I returned to regular activities DAYS subsequent to birthing EVERY child, including the octuplets, (core exercises, light weights and walking 5-10 miles a day, pulling and pushing kids in wagons and/or strollers); and back to the gym WEEKS subsequent to every birth. I believe my active lifestyle significantly contributed to maintaining and strengthening my mental and physical health. Though genetic predisposition for athleticism may play a part, (my father was a boxer from Jerusalem, Palestine; my mom, despite growing up a WW2 refugee, was a champion runner and given the opportunity to leave her family and train for running in the German Olympics), I believe lifestyle influences our overall health/fitness level far more. We parents lead by example and set the stage for our childrens future health. I chose to instill the value of health/fitness by leading the lifestyle I want my kids to live. #LifelongLifestyle #FitMomOfFourteen #FitFamily 💪🏾

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