Foto: @jakepaul/Instagram
5. jaanuar 2020, 11:00

Viis kuud tagasi naitunud YouTube'i tähed on juba lahus (6)

YouTube'i tähtede Jake Pauli ja Tana Mongeau pulmadest pole möödas poolt aastatki, ja juba teatas kumbki eraldi Instagrami postitusega, et võtavad oma suhtes aja maha.

Juutuuberid olid abiellunud juulis Las Vegases vaid kolmekuulise tutvuse järel. Isamehena tegutses peiu vanem vend, YouTube'i superstaar Logan Paul, kes oli abielu püsimajäämise suhtes skeptiline ning ennustas, et kuu aja pärast on Jake ja Tana lahku läinud. 

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ok i don’t rly know how to do a “we’re taking a break” post & this is weird as fuck... i’m happy to still be able to sit with Jake and laugh as we do this- but for right now we both are taking a break to focus on our own very crazy lives... i’ll never know what the future holds and i will always love Jake and everything we did. i’m grateful to know throughout this i’ve made a best friend for life & found someone to do life with when no one understood me. here’s to 2020, working on us, and my new Lamborghini since i get half of everything! no need for crazy speculations- this is coming from a place of nothing but love. i love u Jakey. thank u for this past year. ❤️

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Abielu pidas vastu siiski mõnevõrra kauem. Mongeau kinnitab, et armastab Jake'i ja tänab teda möödunud aasta eest. Ometi on nad otsustanud lahku minna. Kummalgi on omaenese hullumeelne elu, millele tuleb keskenduda, seletab Tana.

Paul kinnitas samasuguseid tundeid Tana vastu ning paljastas, et kõnealuseid postitusi kirjutasid nad kõrvuti istudes. Koera jätab ta endale, "aga Tana saab paraku mu Lamborghini". 

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as Tana and I sit next to each other writing captions about taking a break we’re literally laughing at how crazy and stupid the past couple months have been and cracking jokes at how silly this all seems. i’m keeping custody of Thor but Tana unfortunately gets my Lamborghini😅 I wouldn’t change anything that happened.. we’re best friends and right now it’s best for us to focus on our lives & see what the future holds. (p.s our friends started playing sad music while we were writing these captions and we all started laughing our asses off.. this is bitter sweet but it’s what’s best for us right now) the last thing we wanna see is fan pages speculating “what happened” we truly just need a second to focus on our own lives and ourselves. luv u mongeau <3

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