Foto: @mamacax/Instagram
4. jaanuar 2020, 14:00

Edukas jalaproteesiga modell suri 30 aasta vanuses (3)

Detsembris suri ootamatult Haiiti päritolu USA modell ja aktivist Mama Cax ehk Cascmy Brutus, kes oli tõestanud, et ka amputeeritud jalaga naised võivad moepüünel edu saavutada.
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Iltalehti teatel haigestus vähi tõttu jalast ilma jäänud Mama Cax Londoni reisil ning suri 16. detsembril, olles nädal aega haiglas viibinud. 

13. detsembril oli Mama Cax oma fännidele kirjutanud, kuidas teda tabas Londonis äge kõhuvalu ning ta viidi kiirabiga erakorralise meditsiini osakonda. Kuid sealt saadeti modell hotelli tagasi - arvati, et tegu on vaid põletikuga.

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Y’all 2019 has been one of the best years for me , cannot deny it! but 2019 also tried to take me out 😩 I was gearing up for a wonderful couple of weeks went from celebration an anniversary with bae in Serbia, flew to NY for a quick job then had a quick shoot in London before heading to L.A to celebrate a fruitful yearlong partnership with my #sephorasquad family. While in London I started experiencing severe abdominal pain and was rushed to the emergency room- they dismissed it as an inflammation and sent me back to my hotel with some pain meds. The next morning it got worse, while barely conscious, I asked the hotel to call me an ambulance. They discovered that I had several blood clots in my leg, thigh, abdomen and near an IVC filter near my Lungs (which is a medical device that prevents clots from entering the lungs.) up until this emergency visit I had no idea I had such filter (which I assumed was placed there during my chemo days 14yrs ago) - nonetheless this filter saved my life. Lots of unanswered questions which I’ll have to figure out once I’m back to the States but I’m finally out of the hospital, in less pain, resting and taking blood thinners. Unfortunately flying puts me at risk of a pulmonary embolism therefore I’m stuck across the pond until after Christmas. Hope y’all are gearing up for a wonderful holiday season. (Thanks @sephora for the flowers 😚 and to everyone who took time to message and call me- love you all 🤗) _______________________________________________

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"Järgmisel hommikul läks asi hullemaks, palusin hädavaevu teadvusel püsides, et hotell kutsuks kiirabi. Avastati, et mul oli jalas, reies, kõhus ja kopsude lähedal IVC-fitris (see on meditsiiniseade, mis takistab trombide sisenemist kopsu) mitu trombi," kirjutas modell. Tal polnud varem aimugi, et 14 aasta taguse keemiaravi käigus talle selline filter paigaldati. "Kuid see filter päästis mu elu." Postituse kirjutamise ajaks oli Mama Cax juba haiglast väljas. "Valud on väiksemad, puhkan ja võtan verevedeldajaid." 

Paraku avaldati 20. detsembril Mama Caxi kontol teade tema lahkumisest.

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Mama Caxi karjäär oli olnud tõusuteel: naisteajakiri Glamour oli ta paigutatud aasta naiste sekka ning ta oli jõudnud esineda nii Tommy Hilfigeri, Sephora kui ka Asose reklaamides. Oktoobris osales Mama Cax Rihanna pesubrändi Savage x Fenty efektsel moeetendusel.