Foto: @thekatvond/Instagram
7. november 2019, 10:08

NAGU VERIVORST! Kat von D lasi oma käe üleni mustaks tätoveerida (2)

USA tätoveerimis- ja meigiguru Kat von D, kes aastaid tagasi lõi Sandra Bullockilt mehe üle, esitleb sotsiaalmeedias uut tätoveeringut, mis tekitab fännides vastakaid arvamusi - käsi on üleni must.

Mullu detsembris emaks saanud Kat von D on sotsmeedias rääkinud, et laseb oma vanu tätoveeringuid laseriga eemaldada. Kuid laserravist pole piisanud: meigimogul otsustas talle vastumeelseks muutunud tätokad musta värviga ära katta, vahendab Iltalehti. Selle töö võttis ette tätoveerimiskunstnik Hoode215.

Kat kuulutab Instagramis, et on mustast tattoo'st vaimustatud. "Uskumatu, et selle tegemiseks kulus vaid poolteist tundi." Kommentaaride seas leidub vaimustusahhetusi ja kiitusi, kuid paljudes Kati konto järgijates tekitab süsimust tätoveering siiski õudust.

Kriitikat saabus nii palju, et tätoka- ja meigiguru noomib eraldi postituses: ta pole eales kellegi tätoveeringuid inetuks ega nende omanikke lolliks nimetanud. Tegu olla äärmiselt isikliku eneseväljendusega ja ilu on alati subjektiivne. Katile meeldib oma musta tätoveeringu lakoonilisus ning ta kinnitab, et nüüdse aja värvid on täiesti tervislikud. Ta avaldab valiku teistest inspireerivatest mustadest tätoveeringutest. 

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Having been in the tattoo industry for the greater part of my life, I’ve seen countless tattoos of all types of styles — but NEVER have I felt inspired to tell anyone “that’s ugly” or “you’re stupid.” Tattoos are funny in the sense that ultimately it is one of the most intimately personal things we can do for ourselves. But even though tattoos are an outward expression, they really aren’t for anyone else other than the person wearing it. With that being said, I do love sharing and giving the world a window into aspects of my life — especially when it involves something/someone that inspires me. But just because I choose to share my experiences, it shouldn’t be an invitation for such negativity. Yes, I did decide to black out a large portion of old, crappy tattoos on my arm that I posted yesterday, and regardless of what people might think about it, I absolutely LOVE how simple and clean it looks now. So, to respond to a lot of the noise that clogged up my comment section in my last post: •No, it doesn’t matter that you don’t like the way my arm looks. To each their own. •No, this isn’t bad for my health [but thank you for caring!] When done correctly, tattoos don’t penetrate passed the second dermis layer of skin. During the healing process, our skin naturally filters out any excess pigment through our pores. And no, there is no lead, plastics, toxins in the professional-grade tattoo pigments that we use. Nowadays you can even find vegan-friendly pigments that works just as well, too. •No, this isn’t a lazy attempt at a coverup. It actually takes an extremely skilled artist that specializes in blacking out tattoos. •Before you label something “ugly” or “horrible” try to remember that beauty is subjective. Your idea of a dream tattoo, might be someone else’s idea of a nightmare. Last thing: Swipe through to see some inspiring black work tattoos by @hoode215. Even if it’s something you would never get, there’s no denying the simplistic esthetic to this style of tattooing really is beautiful in its own way. Lotsa Love. X

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