Scorsone koos abikaasaga 2012. aastal. Foto: ADMEDIA/SIPA/Scanpix
4. november 2019, 13:10

„Grey anatoomia“ täht ootab kolmandat last

„Grey anatoomia“ näitlejanna Caterina Scorsone (38) paljastas stiilse halloween'i-klõpsuga, et tema pere saab täiendust.

Emilia Shepherdi rollist tuntud Scorsone lubab veidruse poolest üle trumbata isegi kurikuulsa Addamsite perekonna.

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Our Family’s about to get even kookier. #pumpkinintheoven 🎃

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Scorsone on juba kümme aastat abielus Ameerika rokkbändi The Rescues liikme Rob Gilesiga. Nende esiktütar Eliza on seitsmene, noorem tütar Paloma saab 8. novembril kolmeseks. Scorsone pole teinud saladust, et Pippaks kutsutud noorem tirts on Downi sündroomiga. Hiljutises Instagrami sissekandes kinnitab ta, et see asjaolu on nende peret ainult lähendanud. Õeksed armastavat teineteist lausa hullupööra. "Nende erinevustest on tärganud säärane õrnus, mida tavalistele õdedele-vendadele võib ainult soovida. Pippa on tõesti suurim kingitus, mida ma tema vanemale õele anda oleksin võinud, ning olen nii tänulik, et ta valis just meie pere, et meid oma valgusega raputada ja äratada."

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As Down syndrome awareness month comes to a close I want to post one more time. A lot of parents who find out their new baby has Down syndrome worry about what the impact of having a child with differences will be on their other kids. They haven’t seen it modeled so they are afraid of it. I wish I could show everyone the joy and sweetness and love that has expanded and grown in our family since Pippa was born. There is no book, or movie, or conversation that I could have with my older daughter that would have taught her the love and perspective that having a sister with differences has. The two of them are crazy about each other and the differences give rise to a kind of tenderness I could only have wished for between typical siblings. Pippa is truly the greatest gift I could have given her big sister and I am so deeply grateful that she chose our family to shake up and wake up with her light. 💛💙✨ #downsyndromeawareness #nothingdownaboutit #theluckyfew #soundon🔊 @beyonce

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