Foto: @princejackson/Instagram
13. mai 2019, 15:46

Michael Jacksoni vanem poeg lõpetas ülikooli (2)

Michael Jacksoni kolmest lapsest vanim, 22aastane Prince sai Los Angelese Loyola Marymount College'ist lõpudiplomi. Staarivõsuke lõpetas ülikooli cum laude

The Suni teatel õppis kümme aastat tagasi surnud Michael Jacksoni vanem poeg ärijuhtimist. Õpinguid alustas Prince 2015. aastal. Ta tänab Instagramis postituses oma onu Tito poegi, kes utsitasid teda edasi rühkima, kui tal õppimisisu üle läks. 

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Yesterday I graduated from @loyolamarymount Cum Laude in the school of business with a focus on entrepreneurship. I met so many people and learned so much that the experience alone is worth it. I wish I could thank everyone that helped me make it to the end but I can’t and unfortunately they’re not all pictured here. But the biggest thanks goes to @tjjackson9 and his brothers @tarylljackson and @tajjackson who kept pushing me to graduate and finish up my degree when I wanted to quit. Honestly I can’t tell you if all of it was worth it yet but I am proud of my degree as I believe it is a testament to my dedication and discipline. I’m thankful for LMUs education of a whole person and the implementation of Jesuit values because I believe they inspire graduates like me to continue to change the world for the better.

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Enne Loyola Marymounti astumist oli Prince käinud nimekas Buckley Schoolis, mille lõpetanute seas on Kim Kardashian, Matthew Perry ja Rashida Jones. 

Sotsiaalmeediafotolt on näha, et pojapoja lõputseremooniast sai osa ka vanaema Katherine Jackson.