Foto: @hilarithomasbaldwin/Instagram
5. aprill 2019, 10:15

Baldwini naine pihib Instagramis, et tema viies rasedus on katkemas (2)

Alec Baldwini (61) 35aastane abikaasa Hilaria teatas sotsiaalmeedias, et ta ootab viiendat last. Pere pesamuna sündis alles mullu maikuus. Kuid joogatreenerist nelja lapse ema aimab märke, et uus rasedus võib katkeda.

Kuigi Hilaria lapseootus ei paista veel välja, otsustas ta avaldada Instagramis kõhuselfi ning jagada oma hirme ka fännidega.

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I want to share with you that I am most likely experiencing a miscarriage. I always promised myself that if I were to get pregnant again, I would share the news with you guys pretty early, even if that means suffering a public loss. I have always been so open with you all about my family, fitness, pregnancies...and I don’t want to keep this from you, just because it isn’t as positive and shiny as the rest. I think it’s important to show the truth...because my job is to help people by being real and open. Furthermore, I have no shame or embarrassment with this experience. I want to be a part of the effort to normalize miscarriage and remove the stigma from it. There is so much secrecy during the first trimester. This works for some, but I personally find it to be exhausting. I’m nauseous, tired, my body is changing. And I have to pretend that everything is just fine—and it truly isn’t. I don’t want to have to pretend anymore. I hope you understand. So, this is what is going on now: the embryo has a heartbeat, but it isn’t strong, and the baby isn’t growing very much. So we wait—and this is hard. So much uncertainty...but the chances are very, very small that this is a viable pregnancy. I have complete confidence that my family and I will get through this, even if the journey is difficult. I am so blessed with my amazing doctor, my dear friends, and my loving family...My husband and my four very healthy babies help me keep it together and have the perspective of how truly beautiful life is, even when it occasionally seems ugly. The luck and gratitude I feel that I am my babies’ mommy, is wonderfully overwhelming and comforting. In your comments, please be kind. I’m feeling a bit fragile and I need support. I’m hoping, that by sharing this, I can contribute to raising awareness about this sensitive topic.

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„Tahan teile öelda, et mind on tõenäoliselt tabamas raseduse katkemine,“ kirjutas Aleci noor naine, kes on sünnitanud neli last riburadapidi. „Olen alati endale lubanud, et kui peaksin uuesti rasedaks jääma, jagan seda uudist teiega üsna varakult, isegi kui see peaks tähendama kaotuse avalikku üleelamist.“ 

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A post shared by Hilaria Thomas Baldwin (@hilariabaldwin) on

Hilaria nendib, et viies rasedus pole olnud nii rõõmus kui eelmised. Ta on väsinud, maadleb iiveldusega ega jaksa enam teeselda, et kõik on korras. Embrüo süda tuksub, kuid nõrgalt, ja beebi ei kasva jõudsalt. „Nii et me ootame - ja see on raske. Nii palju ebakindlust ... kuid šansid, et see rasedus on elujõuline, on väga-väga väikesed.“ 

„Minu arvates on tähtis tõde näidata,“ ütleb joogatreener. "Tahan olla osa katsetest raseduse katkemist normaliseerida ja sellelt häbimärk eemaldada.“