Elizabeth Gilbert Foto: NYT/Scanpix
26. märts 2019, 10:10

„Söö, palveta, armasta" autor leidis pärast sõbratari surma uue armastuse

Aasta tagasi mattis bestselleri „Söö, palveta, armasta“ autor Elizabeth Gilbert oma sõbratari Rayya Eliase, kelle vähidiagnoos oli sundinud kirjanikku mõistma: see, mida ta Rayya vastu tunneb, on jäägitu armastus. Nüüd, aasta pärast elukaaslase surma, on menukirjaniku elus uus arm - sedapuhku mees. 

Rayya Elias sai 2016. aasta kevadel teada, et põeb ravimatut kõhunäärme- ja maksavähki. Elizabeth hülgas oma kauase abikaasa, mõistes: ta peab pühenduma iga ihurakuga sõbratarile. Mullu jaanuaris Rayya suri. Nüüd aga teatas Gilbert Instagramis oma arvukatele fännidele, et tema elus on uus armastus: Rayya ammune sõber Simon MacArthur.

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Dear Ones: It’s a beautiful spring day in my corner of the world, life is everywhere bursting forth with a sense of rebirth and renewal, and this seems like as good a moment as any to tell you that I am in love. Please meet my sweetheart, Mr. Simon MacArthur. He’s a photographer from the U.K. — a beautiful man who has been a friend of mine for years. (Even more touchingly, Simon was a beloved friend of Rayya’s for decades. They lived together in London over 30 years ago, and they adored each other forever like siblings. This, as you can imagine, means the world to me.) Of late, Simon and I have found our way to each other’s arms. And now here we are, and his heart has been such a warm place for me to land. I share this news publicly, despite the fact that our love story is so new and young and tender,for a few reasons. For one thing, I just want to say: If you see me walking around with a tall handsome man on my arm, don’t be buggin’. Just know that your girl is happy, and following her heart. But also this: I will always share anything personal about my life, if it could help someone else feel more normal about their life. SO...if you have lost a loved one to death, and you thought you’d never love again, but you are feeling a pull of attraction toward someone new, and you’re not sure if that’s OK? Let me normalize it for you. Let me say: It’s Ok. Your heart is a giant cathedral. Let it open. Let it love. Do not let your gorgeous loyalty to the deceased stop you from experiencing the marvels and terrors of your short, mortal, precious life. It’s OK to live, and to love. Or...if you are falling in love in middle age and it’s terrifying, because you feel just as dumb and crazy and excited and insecure as you did at 16? Well, let me normalize this for you. It’s OK. You will always feel 16 when you are falling in love. Or...if you once loved a man,and then you loved a woman, and then you loved a man, and you’re wondering if that’s ok? Well, darling. Let me normalize THAT for you. It’s OK. Love who you love. It’s all OK, and it’s all impossible to control, and it’s all an adventure that I would not miss. That’s all I wanted to say. Onward, and I love you all. ❤️LG

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„Mu kallid: minu maailmanukakeses on imekaunis kevadpäev, elu pulbitseb kõikjal uuestisünnist ja taastumisest, ning see tundub olevat paras hetk öelda teile, et ma olen armunud,“ kirjutas menuautor enda ja Simoni fotot avaldades. „Palun saage tuttavaks mu kullakese, härra Simon MacArthuriga.“

49aastane Gilbert nimetab Ühendkuningriigis elavat MacArthurit imekauniks meheks, kes on aastaid tema sõber olnud ning kes oli aastakümneid ka Rayya sõber. „Nad elasid üle 30 aasta tagasi Londonis koos ning jumaldasid teineteist nagu õde ja vend. Nagu võite ette kujutada, on see minu jaoks ilmatu tähtis. Hiljuti leidsime Simoniga tee teineteise sülelusse. Ja siin me nüüd siis oleme, ja tema süda on olnud mulle niivõrd soe maandumispaik.“

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Dear Ones: Over the last year, Rayya Elias and I have been through some really difficult days together — but not today. Today was precious and perfect. A simple and spontaneous ceremony of love, surrounded by a small handful of friends and family. Our ceremony was nothing legally binding (no need to alert the authorities, folks!)...just a quiet and private celebration of what we have long known to be true: We belong to each other. More difficult days are to come. It doesn't get easier from here. Her illness is grave. But our love is strong. We will walk together as far as we can go together. After that, it all gets turned over to God. Create beauty with every day you are given, Onward, LG (And thank you, @bindleandkeep, for putting a rush on @rayyaelias's suit, and for hand-delivering it yesterday. She looked beautiful. Thank you for the grace, the care, and the compassion. You are good people.)

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Rayyaga 2017. aasta juunis sümboolselt abiellunud Gilbert manitses kommenteerijaid, et nood ei heidaks talle uut armumist ette. Ta ise on tõestuseks, et lojaalsus surnud kallimale ei tohiks saada takistuseks uue armastuse tekkele. „Oled armsamast ilma jäänud ja arvanud, et sa ei leia enam iial armastust, kuid tunned tõmmet kellegi uue vastu ja kahtled, kas nii ikka tohib? Las ma normaliseerin selle sinu jaoks ära. Las ma ütlen: tohib küll.“