Brian Austin Green ja tema poeg Kassius Lijah Green 2013. aastal. Foto: VIDA PRESS
14. november 2018, 16:52

„Beverly Hills, 90210“ täht keeldub oma vanima lapsega kohtumast? (1)

Sekspomm Megan Foxi abikaasa Brian Austin Green, keda nooruses tunti telesarjast "Beverly Hills, 90210", on oma vanima lapse ema väitel rongaisa.

50aastane näitlejanna Vanessa Marcil (samuti "Beverly Hills, 90210", aga ka "General Hospital" ja "Las Vegas") avaldas Instagramis emotsionaalse postituse, milles väitis, et tema ainus laps, 16aastane poeg Kassius, on isa elust täiesti välja puksitud. 

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The world is yours and it’s time for change.

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Vanessa sõnul on isa ja poeg viimase viie aasta jooksul vaid mõned korrad kohtunud. "Ja see on kõik," kinnitab Marcil. 

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As usual I can’t wait to see @lisalingstagram show on custody cases. 12 years ago I was served legal papers and then spent 8 years+ defending myself and my son in custody court in response to his father & his stepmother trying to get full custody(that means I would have seen my son four days a month) and then asking me to pay them child support. They lost that case & a civil case asking me for 200,000. I never spoke publicly in order to protect my then young son from paparazzi that used to follow him & terrify him. I had also never asked for child support of any kind and had never tried to take time away from Kass’ dad seeing him. Ever. In the end they lost all of these court cases. The judge called them all “Frivolous” They always had 50% custody and still did when court ended as I had and have NEVER asked for full custody. Then, 5 years ago on their own they decided to completely cut Kass out of their lives and his younger brothers’ lives. Kass has never met his youngest brother and is not allowed to know where his bio father, stepmother and three younger brothers live. He has only seen his dad in passing in public places. Custody cases hurt the children only and the truth shall set us all free. Put the kids first you guys. There shouldn’t be a “more important parent” kids love both parents equally no matter what either parent’s struggles may be. Kass has been truly heartbroken since being cut out of his other families lives with NO explanation. Let’s do better for our kids. Let’s share our stories. #Buddhakids

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Brianil ja Meganil on kolm ühist pisipoega: kuuene, neljane ja kahene. Kuid Briani vanima poja ema Vanessa pihib nüüd sotsiaalmeedias, et ta kulutas üle kaheksa aasta, kaitsmaks end ja oma poega kohtus Briani ja kasuema Megani eest. Nood olevat poissi endale tahtnud.

"See tähendab, et oleksin näinud oma poega neljal päeval kuus." Samal ajal olevat paar nõudnud Vanessalt lapsetoetuse maksmist. Selles kohtuasjas sai Vanessa võidu. Nüüd aga ei suhtlevat Brian pojaga üldse, mis sest, et hooldusõigus jaguneb pooleks. Kassius pole ema sõnul oma noorima vennaga kohtunud ega tea, kus tema isa pere elab. 

"Ma pole sellest kunagi avalikult rääkinud, kaitsmaks oma väikest poega paparatsode eest, kes teda vanasti jälitasid ja hirmutasid. Ma pole ka eales lapsetoetust nõudnud ega takistanud isal Kassiga kohtumast. Mitte iial."