
Ei taha tunnistada! Armujutud ajasid Russell Crowe marru (3)


ehh26. juuni 2017, 23:25
omal ajal oli ju midagi vaadata, aga nüüd seda joodikunägu...??
Ilu on vaataja silmades27. juuni 2017, 04:32
Jah, eks me kõik muutu joodikunägudeks. Väga kiiresti muuseas. Sina samuti..
cartman26. juuni 2017, 21:23
Born in New Zealand in sixty-four
A hot-headed actor named Russell Crowe
He loves to act but he loves one thing more
Fightin' Round The World
He fights his directors and he fights his fans
It's a problem no one understands
If there's two things he loves it's fighting and
Fightin' Round The World