Foto: Jodie Marsh/Instagram
4. märts 2016, 15:11

Jodie Marsh: blokeerin Instagramis igaühe, kes rasedust mainib! (1)

37aastane glamuurimodell Jodie Marsh lubab Instagramist ära blokeerida kõik, kes peaksid mainima midagi tema raseduse kohta.

Läinud aasta augustis eratreeneriga abiellunud Marsh üritab kummutada arvamuse, nagu peaks kõik abiellunud naised kindlasti kohe lapsed saama, vahendab Female First. 

Naine postitas Instagrami foto, kus demonstreerib oma saledat pihta. "See on kõigile neile tundetudele mölakatele, kes küsivad minult, kas olen lapseootel. Hahaa! Nagu näete, on mul defineeritav kõht ja ei ühtki märki rasedusest. Mul on palju plaanis esmalt oma imelise abikaasaga," põrutab naine.


This one is just for all those insensitive bastards who keep saying "are you pregnant?" Hahaha. No, as you can see I still have stomach definition and no sign of any pregnancy. Just because I got married doesn't mean I'm immediately trying for a baby. I have a LOT of living to do first with my wonderful husband. We have plans to make, Harleys to ride, holidays to take and adventures to have. Just because certain people deem it "the norm" to start trying for a baby the second they are married, doesn't mean it IS normal to me or others. What's normal to me is to spend every spare minute with my amazing husband and to enjoy life. When we're ready we will address our options and not before then. No one is going to make me feel like I "should" have a baby and no woman should feel like that is her only purpose in life. While children are a wonderful thing, there are also other things in life that can make a person happy (believe it or not????!!!!!!) and we are in no rush. Added to all of this, I have been told that I have a low egg count and might struggle to conceive (you would know this if you were a true fan and watched my last lot of TV shows on TLC), so with all that information, here's how we're going to proceed: Anyone who says the "P" word again will get blocked, James and I will be looking to rescue even more animals than the 7 we already have and if you can't find us, we'll be out somewhere on the Harleys enjoying the freedom of our crazy, exciting, romantic lives. Got it? Good. Love to all the real fans. And my skirt (which if you hadn't guessed I am in love with) is from @elsies_attic 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

A photo posted by Jodie Marsh (@jodiemarshtv) on