Foto: @princessmarthalouise/Instagram
5. juuni 2020, 13:00

Printsess Märtha Louise saab tapmisähvardusi

Mustanahalise ameeriklase George Floydi tapmine on vallandanud ülemaailmse rassismidiskussiooni. Sõna võtab ka Norra printsess Märtha Louise. Tema sõnul pole ei sõbrad, pere, õukond ega Norra rahvas tänini leppinud, et tema süda kuulub mustanahalisele šamaan Durekile.

Märtha Louise'i sõnul on talle ja Durekile tehtud tapmisähvardusi, "sest me oleme koos". "Meile on nädalast nädalasse öeldud, et inimesed ja pereliikmed häbenevad meid, sest oleme teineteise välja valinud."

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Being @shamandurek ‘s girlfriend has given me a crash course in how white supremacy is at play and the way I have consciously and subconsciously thought of and acted towards black people. How I have taken my rights for granted - never looked properly at what racism really is, because it has been comfortable for me that the system is in place. I am not proud of it, but I realize I need to grow into understanding this deeply rooted system to be able to be part of the dismantling of it. I, as a white person, need to grow, educate myself and become better and move from being against racism to being anti-racist. Racism is not just the obvious (which I thought it was), of the openly discrimination, mistreating and killing of black people which is easy and obvious to take a stand against. It is in the details (which I had no idea still existed). It is in the way people shy away from Durek. How friends assume he lies about everything. That he is evil for being kind. The words muttered under their breath, making it perfectly clear to him that he does not have a natural place at the table. People at high places saying “How dare you think I would touch your hand?” when he reached out his hand to say goodnight (pre Covid-19). People thinking they aren’t racist, but don’t know anyone with a different skin color than their own, apart from the people working for them. How it is assumed that Durek is not a good person who actually loves me, but has manipulated me into loving him and keeps manipulating me in our relationship. How he will exploit me financially. The press presents him as a liar, being violent and a threat to my family and myself, sharing scrupulously his X’s story without checking facts, because it supports the belief system already in place about him. THAT IS RACISM! We have both received death threats for being together and have weekly been told that we shame our people and families for choosing each other. The reality of it all is that I love how he holds space for me as a woman, listens to my wisdom and shows up for me and my girls. I love how he shares his wisdom with the world CONTINUES IN COMMENTS 👇

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Märtha Louise tegi oma armusuhte teatavaks aasta tagasi. Kolm aastat varem oli ta lahutanud oma abikaasast, kirjanik Ari Behnist, kellega tal on kolm tütart. Aastaid depressiooniga võidelnud Behn läks eelmise aasta lõpus vabasurma. 

Printsess on veendunud, et vastuseis tema armusuhtele biseksuaalse Los Angelese šamaaniga tuleneb põhiliselt rassismist. "See, et ma olen šamaan Dureki sõbratar, on näidanud, kuidas valgete ülevõim toimib ja kuidas ma ka ise olen mustanahalistest inimestest alateadlikult mõelnud ja nende suhtes käitunud."

Märtha Louise'i sõnul hoitakse Durekist eemale. Tema sõbrad kahtlustavad, et staaršamaani jutt kubiseb valedest.  See olla ilmselge rassismi märk. Printsessi sõnul peetakse Dureki heasüdamlikkust kahtlaseks. Märtha Louise'i kallimale on öeldud, et tema jaoks pole lauas kohta, ja kõrgel positsioonil inimesed on keeldunud temaga (koroonaeelsel ajal) kätlemast. 

"Oletatakse, et Durek ei ole hea inimene, kes mind armastab, vaid on manipuleerinud mind teda armastama - ja jätkab minuga manipuleerimist. Et ta kasutab mind majanduslikult ära. Ajakirjandus esitleb teda valetajana, vägivallatsejana ning ohuna mu perele ja mulle, jagades faktidega tõestamata lugusid, sest need toetavad uskumuste süsteemi, mis on tema suhtes juba paika pandud. See on rassism!"