Larry Kramer juunis 2019.Foto: Reuters/Scanpix
28. mai 2020, 12:42

Elton John ja Julia Roberts mälestavad USA näitekirjanikku ja aidsiaktivisti

USAs suri sel nädalal 84 aasta vanuses näitekirjanik Larry Kramer, kes tõusis 1980. aastate aidsikriisis esile sõnaka aktivistina ning kujutas seda perioodi oma näidendis "The Normal Heart" (1985).

Maailmakuulsat aidsiaktivisti mälestavad sotsiaalmeedias paljud tuntud inimesed eesotsas Elton Johniga. Briti laulja nimetab Krameri lahkumist kurvaks uudiseks. "Maailm kaotas gigandi, kes seisis geide õiguste eest sõdalasena. Tema viha oli ajal, mil Ameerika valitsus geimeeste aidsisurmi ignoreeris, vajalik."

Julia Roberts, kes mängis Krameri menunäidendi ekraniseeringus (2014), ütles ajakirjale Variety: "Larry oli oma veendumustes tulihingeline ja väsimatu. Tõeline kangelane, kellele väga paljud inimesed tänini oma elu eest tänu võlgu on. Minu jaoks oli tema orbiidil veedetud aeg suur au."

Filmi lavastaja Ryan Murphy pühendas Kramerile pika ühismeediapostituse ning nimetas teda aegade suurimaks ja tähtsaimaks geiaktivistiks.

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I first met Larry Kramer in 2012. The film rights to his groundbreaking play "The Normal Heart" had become available, and I wanted them. We had a wonderful first meeting, he was kind and excited about my casting ideas -- Mark Ruffalo and Julia Roberts (who would both go on to do the HBO film with us). From there we got into negotiations, and he said he wanted one million dollars for the rights. "Larry!" I said, "that's a lot of money for a low budget film!" He paused and said "it's what I'm worth." I paid it. And I'm so glad I did. Larry knew the value of his work, his life, all gay people's lives -- and his fundamental stubborn belief in equality for all made him perhaps the single greatest and most important gay activist of all time. His fight against government, discrimination, prejudice and big Pharma helped save millions of lives. His fight changed the health care system as we know it. I admired him above all others. He deserved the Medal of Freedom. I loved working with him, his passion. I eventually even came to love our fights. I won a Golden Globe one year, and the first call I got the next morning was from Larry. "I'm glad you won, but I hated seeing you there," he sniffed. "Larry, you should be happy for me!" I said. "Well, I'm not," he replied. "Because you should have been at home working on our project." He was terrified after 30 years of development hell it wouldn't be made, that his tale of AIDS and rage and beauty would never be seen widely by young people. But we got it made. He cried when he saw the first cut. "All my friends, all my generation, gone...and it's fucking unfair it didn't need to happen" he said. Up until the end, we were still plotting. I recently bought the stage rights to do "The Normal Heart" and "The Destiny of Me" in rep on Broadway. He was so passionate and so vital I never imagined he would pass. I thought he'd outlive us all. His work and his spirit will. In his memory, watch "The Normal Heart" on HBO today. Or better yet, send an outraged email or tweet to a neglectful politician of your choice. He would have liked that.

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BBC News märgib, et Kramer sai esmalt tuntuks stsenaristina, teenides 1971. aastal D. H. Lawrence'i romaani "Armunud naised" muganduse eest Oscari nominatsiooni. 1977 andis ta välja eduka, kuid poleemilise romaani "Faggots" ("Peded"). 1980. aastate algul keskendus Kramer võitlusele HIV ja aidsi teadvustamise nimel.